On Edge?

Do you ever have problems getting the perfectly accurate seam?  I know I struggled with it for a very long time.  I didn’t have a quarter inch foot for a long time so I tried several different things to get the perfect seam.  Have you tried Moleskin or taped a stack of index cards to get the perfect seam?  I did with poor results.


Qtools Sewing Edge to the rescue!

A respositionable vinyl stop that creates an alignment guide for your fabrics as you sew.  It actually forms a defined edge for your fabric to sew against.  Measure your desired seam allowance and lay down the strips

  • Easy alignment
  • Faster, consistent sewing
  • Fits shape of all machines
  • No adhesive residue
  • Great for all ages and abilities
  • Aligns in front of foot so adjustments can be made
  • Re-usable, repositionable

Five strips per package: 3/8″ W x 3 5/8″ L each



I give this a rating of 4 spools! 

If you have a top bobbin load in your machine, you can cut the guide so that part does not have to be removed when you load the bobbin as it will stay on the bobbin cover.  Or you can resposition it every time that you use it if you don’t want to cut it.  Seam guide and detailed instructions are included.




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Til next time, keep on stitching,
~~ Gina

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