Star Steps BOM Sew Along – Introduction

I have had fun in designing this quilt.  It lends itself to multiple fabric choices so can range for those who are interested in many colors from …. primitive, 30s, solids, scrappy, patriotic, modern.

Each month a new block will be revealed.

Some months will have more blog posts than others, but we will go through several choices.   If you can’t wait the whole month for the next one (like me), you can join the Facebook group HERE.  They will be released weekly.

Each blocks is a 12-1/2″ x 12-1/2″ unfinished square.

They will be set on point when stitched into the setting which will finish at 17″ x 17″.

Whether you draw from your own stash, buy fabrics for this or kits, we’ll make this quilt in manageable steps that will have hints and tips along the way.

My hope is that you’ll love this so much that you’ll want to make it in several variations.  I know I will be.

Let’s get prepared.




Gather Fabric

I’m doing mine in scrappy but if you choose to do yours in a more organized manner you will need the following:

These are the fabric requirements based on Kona cotton solids.

You will need to add 1/2 yard for binding.


Fabric Color Amount Needed Fabric Name
1-1/8′ Zinc
1-1/8′ Black
7/8′ White
1/2′ Oyster
1/4′ Grasshopper
3/8′ Lime
3/8′ Pomegranate
1/4′ Sassy Pink
1/4′ Sunny
3/8′ Citrus
3/8′ Peacock
3/8′ Robin Egg
1/8′ Lipstick
1/4′ Saffron