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Diagonal Setting Triangle Ruler 6in to 16in

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $18.00.

One multi-size ruler offers a no-math solution for cutting both the corner triangles and the larger setting triangles that are needed when patchwork blocks are set on point. Not just for use with our patterns ~ these rulers can be used with any diagonal set quilt design that needs corner and setting triangles.

Features the same corner concept as our templates. Available in two sizes, each ruler is small enough to handle easily and large enough to get the job done right. The small ruler is perfect for small quilts, many border designs and even many square-in-a-square designs.

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Quick Directions:  To cut the corner triangles, align the finished block size with one edge of the strip and the top of the ruler with the other edge. Cut both sides of the triangle without moving the ruler.


To cut the larger setting triangles, cut one side of the triangle, then flip the ruler and align the contact spots. The top of the ruler will fit into the already-cut angle and the finished block size line on the ruler will align with the edge of the strip. Cut the second side of the triangle.


Detailed Directions:

a = The finished block size is calculated and includes ¼″ seam allowances.

b = The corner triangles are cut with the legs on straight grain.

c = The setting triangles that fill in the ends of the diagonal rows are cut with the hypotenuse on the straight grain.

Make your rulers do quilting tricks! Click these links to download a pdf on patchwork tricks and a page on making blocks appear to float on a background. Compare these rulers to the original Cut-and-Flip Diagonal Set Triangle Rulers. You might like those better — maybe you prefer cutting the setting triangles with the cut-and-flip ruler and the corner triangles with the full triangle ruler, or vice versa.


First Cut the StripsCutting Strips

Locate your finished block size (a) on either diagonal edge or down the center of the ruler. The arrows point to a line. Place that line on the trued-up edge of the fabric. Place a long acrylic ruler against the small tip of the Diagonal Set Triangle Ruler. Slide the triangle along the fabric edge to confirm consistent strip width, then cut the strip. Option: In the center of the ruler, the numbers 2″ to 7″ identify a ruler that can be read to determine actual strip width. Then measure and cut strips any way you like.

Cutting triangles for an 8″ block is illustrated. Corner and setting triangles are cut from the same width strips.

Cutting Strips

Corner triangles must be cut from a trued-up end of the strip.

Cutting the Corner Triangles (b)

True up one end of the strip. Position the solid line just left of the center of the tool on the cut end of the strip and the line of the finished block size at the bottom of the strip. The tip of the ruler should align with the top of the strip. Cut the diagonal edge; before moving the ruler, nip the point.

Nip the point

Reposition the ruler as needed on the cut triangle so the corners align and nip off the other two points. Nipping the points on all the setting and corner triangles allows them to line up perfectly with blocks when rows are assembled.

Cutting Corner Triangles

Cutting the Setting Triangles (c)

Assuming you have just cut a corner triangle, rotate the ruler on the same strip. Position the line identified for your finished block size on the top edge of the strip. The flat top of the ruler should just touch the bottom edge of the strip, and the angled edge of the ruler should line up with the angled edge of the strip.

Cut the diagonal to create the first setting triangle (1, below left). Reposition the ruler on the corners of the fabric triangle as before and nip off the points.

Cutting Setting Triangles

Rotate the ruler and align the block size line on the other edge of the strip and cut again (2, above right). Nip off the points.


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